Thursday, December 20, 2012


Dear PTC Member
There is an old saying that goes: "You have to be prepared for success." That is true in any business, including PTC's. PTC is not just a hobby, but a business that will make you hundreds and thousands of dollars a month. However, as you join more websites, there are more accounts to manage, and remembering passwords can be a bit of a hassle.

Use your browser to save passwords. This can be helpful you if are planning to log in to PTC's everyday (and you should!). Password savers come in handy because they save you the trouble of having to remember them, which saves you time. Most browser will have a feature where you can save passwords. Our recommended browsers are (in order) Opera and Firefox.

Save your accounts in a text file. Being organized will speed things along in your journey. Each time you open a new account, jot the down the username and password, and save it into a text file. Grab your referral links and place them into another file. Also, grab your banner URL's and paste them into the same file, or a different file if you wish. These files will be your reference in case you need them.

Daily clicking. To make consistent income you have to be consistent. Set aside a time where you can do clicking everyday - a time slot of 20 to 30 minutes (depending on how many sites you have). Some people do it before breakfast, during their lunch break, or just before they sleep. Whichever it is, make sure that time is dedicated to PTC's and remember to do it daily.

Account management. In addition to clicking, you need to manage your account, performing various duties such as recycling, renewing, and renting referrals. Each PTC is different so you will determine how much time you need for each one. As I said, you start with neobux and start managing 5 PTCs' when time to come. I know that you are capable once you get the hang of it.

At the beginning it will feel like a job or really hazardous commitment, but you will get used to it after 2 to 3 weeks of doing it over and over. Repetition is the mother of all learning. Soon you'll be doing these things with ease, and you may actually enjoy it, especially when you see results.

How do you like this? Please comment.............

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